Arbor Day 2019, where we did tree and shrub planting in Central Falls, Rhode Island. Voice of the Forest Alliance and Largess Forestry has partnered with the City of Central Falls to plant over 700 trees. Volunteers and the Largess Forestry crew came together to spruce up Jenks Park and add green assets.
Largess Forestry, City of Central Falls, and Students from Central Falls schools planted 33 Dawn Redwood trees at Higginson Park called The Peace Forest. This is a part of Largess Forestry's initiative to re-green urban areas to increase health and decrease crime.
Just like people, trees get stressed. So we inject them with nutrients, fertilizers, fungicides and insecticides.
Check out our Spade Truck in action! Moving and replanting large trees is a part of Largess Forestry's mission.
On April 7, 2017 the City of Central Falls, Largess Forestry, Voice of the Forest Alliance, Central Falls High School, and Scituate High School teamed up to plant Crossman Street Park as part of a larger effort to reforest Central Falls, RI.
Central Falls, Rhode Island - The Greatest Little Green City in America, where TREE DREAMS are changing the whole world, ONE TREE AT A TIME!
Gypsy Moths are hungry for your tree leaves, and Largess Forestry can protect your green assets.